

2019年8月5日上午10:58    由Rapaport新聞
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RAPAPORT ...  Fancy Color Research Foundation(FCRF)稱,粉紅色彩色鑽石的價格在第二季度表現優於其他主要顏色類別。 




粉紅色價格的上漲可能歸因於媒體報導圍繞即將關閉力拓的澳大利亞Argyle礦山,該礦以其粉紅色鑽石而聞名,天然彩鑽協會主席Alan Bronstein指出。




“最近白色家電的價格下跌對所有鑽石造成了整體負面的心理影響,”FCRF顧問委員會成員Eden Rachminov解釋道。“這可能是我們目睹Fancy Color Index下降0.1%的原因。” 


Yellow Prices to Increase in 2019, Says FCRF

Feb 5, 2019 6:04 AM   By Rapaport News

 A reduced supply of vivid-yellow diamonds will drive a price increase this year, according to the Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF). 

“In the last three years we witnessed a substantial [quantity] of vivid yellows coming to market, mainly from the Misery Pipe at [Dominion Diamond Mines’] Ekati mine in Canada,” Jim Pounds, FCRF advisory board member and executive vice president of diamonds at Dominion, said Monday. “However, as the mine transitions from open-pit mining to underground, a substantially reduced [number] of stones will be available during 2019. Therefore, we anticipate a slight increase in vivid-yellow prices.” 

The organization’s Fancy Color Diamond Index for yellows fell 2.1% year on year in the fourth quarter, while prices of blues climbed 4.1%, the FCRF said. Pink fancy-color diamonds inched up 0.1%, with the overall index rising 0.2%.

In 2018, prices for all fancy-intense categories increased by 0.7%, while fancy-vivid stones rose 1.5%. 

Prices of fancy-intense-blue diamonds increased 1.9% versus the previous quarter, while 2-carat pinks rose by 1.1% overall, with fancy-vivid pinks increasing 2.1% and 10-carat fancy pinks falling 0.8%. Fancy-vivid-yellow diamonds weighing 5 carats grew 1.2% during the period. 

The index tracks prices of yellow, pink and blue fancy-color diamonds in Hong Kong, New York and Tel Aviv. 

Image: A 60.59-carat fancy-vivid-yellow diamond from the Gahcho Kué mine. (Mountain Province)